Liver/whole-animal 4D imaging


Confocal microscopy images of hepatic stellate cells (labelled by Desmin in purple) and nuclei (Propidium iodide staining of DNA) in cleared control mouse liver.


Light sheet microscopy images of hepatic stellate cells (labelled by Desmin) in cleared livers of control and stellate cell-depleted mice (depletion method published here: doi: 10.1126/scisignal.adf6696)

CTRL raw image stack download (".ims", ~7Gb):

DEPLETED raw image stack download (".ims", ~7Gb):

Methods can be found in our paper here:

Methods under development - Intravital mouse liver imaging

Live imaging of hepatic stellate cells using abdominal windows. Preliminary 2-photon microscopy images of hepatic stellate cells (labelled by Col-GFP) and collagen (by second harmonic imaging) in carbon tetrachloride treated mouse liver.

In collaboration with J. Javier Bravo-Cordero. 

Methods under development - human liver clearing

Preliminary confocal microscopy images of vascular smooth muscle cells (labelled by aSMA in blue) and nuclei (Propidium iodide staining of DNA)  in cleared human liver.

Other methods under development - Whole-animal tissue clearing and fibroblast imaging. STAY TUNED!